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Old women talk about old things: history, myth, magic and their
checkered pasts, about what changes and what does not.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Crone Reminiscing

Crone Reminiscing
A striking studio portrait of a well groomed man, staring out at the world with the innocence of youth; what dreams did he have? What plans and ambitions? Then he was strong, vital, ambitious, quite ready and able to take on the world. Where is he now? His descendants, if any, perhaps not interested in treasuring his photograph for future generations to recognize a resemblance, or to seek out his wisdom.
A thick flannel sheet with yellow stripes at the ends and an edging of blue blanket stitching brings memories of cozy nights in chilly beds.  The need to be practical and frugal nurtured many creative life skills. When the centers were worn down to the bare threads they were neatly "turned"; cut down the middle, switched over and the edges sewed together putting the thin edges on the outside to be tucked under the mattress.
 A vintage coffee tin, rusted orange and faded black with gold lettering. How many pots, cups and mugs of coffee were made from that battered container? What counters did it sit on? What crowded shelves? What kitchens where sleepy families prepared to face the day's work? Long days, often with little pay were an integral part of its era. Endless conversations around well-used kitchen tables, wooden tops marked and dented with the tools of living. Words of love, of family plans, of neighborhood gossip, of accusations, denials, of grief, and whispers of comfort.
If the multitude of cast-off items could speak, if they could tell the stories they had witnessed, taken part in, heard of in passing through the many years, what tales they could tell us.
Church Rummage Sale: rubbish to some, treasures to others

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