Elizabeth w/violets and dandelions
A not very encouraging beginning,
Here. We cain’t keep’er no more.
Lucky you. Lucky my
best friend.
Lucky me.
I was your wuffler, your
Trained human,
And you never got enough,
Elizabeth Rex.
You, of glittery eye,
Barely veiled contempt,
Going comatose in my hands,
Drooling on my jeans.
You and I
Understood each other.
Evil spirits separated
At birth.
You were.
You are.
Radiant bows to a fellow cat person, one who truly gets it.
Juliet W.
Kimi in the wuffle seat.
Now that the old Queen is dead, it'll be the new Queen's turn all the time!
I love how you capture that woman/cat relationship. Awesome.